Contact Lens Exams

Contact Lens Image

One of the most important ways to take care of your eyes is with regular eye exams. The same applies if you wear contact lenses. It is essential to have your contact lenses checked by an eye care professional at least once per year and more often if you have problems with them. At Spadafora & Zak Eye Care in Clarkston, our eye doctors provide contact lens exams for those who want to wear contacts for the first time or need a new prescription. Let’s look at what you can expect during your contact lens exam.

Evaluate Your Eyes

During the exam, one of our optometrists will thoroughly evaluate your eyes. We will check for any underlying eye conditions that may impact your ability to wear contact lenses. We will also determine the health of your cornea, which is the clear outer layer of your eye.

Calculate the Correct Contact Lens Size

After we have thoroughly examined your eyes, we will then take a few measurements. These measurements are essential for calculating the correct contact lens size for your eyes. We also take into account the shape and quality of your eyes when choosing the right contact lenses.

The exam involves assessing your eyes for specific types of conditions. We will determine if you would be a good candidate for special lenses due to allergies or dry eye syndrome. As a result, you may benefit from soft or rigid gas permeable lenses instead of traditional contact lenses.

Contact Lens Fitting

Once we have chosen the right type and size of contact lenses, we will then proceed with a contact lens fitting. This is where we place the lenses on your eyes and make sure they are comfortable. The eye doctor will also teach you how to properly insert and remove the lenses.

Cosmetic Contact Lenses

If you are interested in trying cosmetic contact lenses, we can help with that too. We offer a variety of different colors and styles to choose from. We will help you find the perfect lenses to match your personality and style.

Schedule a Contact Lens Appointment in Clarkston, MI

If you are interested in wearing contact lenses, schedule an appointment with Dr. Spadafora and Dr. Zak at Spadafora & Zak Eye Care. We offer comprehensive contact lens exams and fittings. Call our team today at (248) 922-1862 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.


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